Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teaching from North to South

....Carolina that is. 

Here is full disclosure. This blog is about the classes I'm teaching this fall. My feelings won't be hurt if this doesn't interest you and you stop reading. But, if you know anyone who is interested in developing his or her writing skills, please share this blog with them. Friends, family (particularly teens-- see the third event) I'd love to see any of them there!

First, I'm leading a pre-conference workshop on marketing your book to teachers at the SCBWI-Carolinas meeting. My workshop is on Friday afternoon but the main events will continue the rest of the weekend. Take a look at the brochure and you'll be hooked. If you live in Charlotte you won't have to pay for a hotel!

Second, I'm teaching "Writing for Children" at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte. Beginning on September 15, we'll be meeting for eight consecutive weeks. See the course description for more details, or email me. 

And last (but certainly not least!) I'm teaching the teen track at the AnAuthor World conference in Greenville, S.C. While I'm enjoying leading teens into creating an imaginative short story, adult writers will be learning more about characterization, writing nonfiction and mysteries, as well as how to use social media to market yourself.

I hope one of these will interest you or someone you know. Thanks for passing this post along.

Now, if you'll excuse me...I have some prep work to do!


Jean said...

You are one busy lady!

I need some of your go-get-em.


Carol Baldwin said...

Vitamins, exercise, sleep, and the Lord's strength. Definitely not in that order! Thanks, Jean.

elysabeth said...

I agree - you are one busy woman. I know you will do well in all workshops. I'm looking forward to my workshops for teachers and librarians coming up (November and March) as well as a few other events in there as well. Keep up the good work - see you soon - E :)

Ma America, The Travelin' Maven
Author of the JGDS, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
Where will the adventure take you next?

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of Finally Home, a YA paranormal mystery (coming soon)

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, ELysabeth. Teaching is fun, but takes lots and lots of energy!!! Hope your events go well too.


Beth Anderson is no stranger to my  blog . Her outstanding nonfiction biographies find little-known stories within a historical character&#...