Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Woman With a Vision

I recently participated in a one-day writing workshop sponsored by Write2Ignite! During our informal luncheon I asked Jean Hall, the founder, to describe her vision for the organization. In this guest blog, she shares that vision with you.  Without further ado, here is Jean:

“In 2008 God called me (and other wonderful writers) to organize and lead Write2Ignite! At first I was a most unwilling leader, something like Gideon of the Old Testament. However, God verified for me that this is His plan for me at this time in my life, and I now willingly embrace that call.

“I envision Write2Ignite! as an organization that provides conferences, workshops, support groups and other services to Christians who create, publish, represent or sell literature for children and youth. I view our role as that of teachers, encouragers and inspirers.
“I hope that Write2Ignite! participants will leave our conferences with three things:
  • The knowledge that they heard from God during the weekend about something specific in their writing and/or personal lives
  • Improved or new skills to use in writing and/or publishing
  • New or strengthened connections with other writers, illustrators, teachers, librarians, agents, editors, reviewers, and/or book sellers
“I envision Write2Ignite! as an organization for the Southeastern USA, that hosts at least two conferences each year, one in North Carolina and one in South Carolina. However, of course, there is always the possibility that God’s purposes are larger than that.
“My vision also includes the following:
  • Smaller, local Write2Ignite! workshops in cities across the Carolinas
  • Smaller critique/support groups either face-to-face in various locations, or online
  • Possibly a thriving Write2Ignite! Yahoo Group
  • Monthly online Write2Ignite! Chats (possibly via Skype)
  • Possibly a quarterly Write2Ignite! online newsletter
"I am amazed at the ways God works to accomplish these things 
step-by-step for Write2Ignite! I am also amazed at the generous, 
dedicated volunteers who work hard to put God’s plans into place. 
But we can always use a few more.

"If you are interested in becoming part of the Write2Ignite! Conference Team please contact me at write2ignite@jeanmatthewhall.com.  To find out more about our conferences and workshops, please visit our website or our blog."

Thanks, Jean, for sharing your vision with us. I hope many of my readers will find their way to Write2Ignite!


Jean said...

Thanks, Carol. We appreciate you so much at Write2Ignite!


Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Wow! That is amazing vision - big plans. Blessings as you follow God's call!

Looking forward to being at Write2Ignite next year!

Linda A. said...

Jean always signs off as Jean and the Team. It shows that she values the team and isn't on a mission of her own. The Write2Ignite team is accomplishing great things thanks to Jean's leadership and the team's dedication. May its outreach help many for years to come.

Carol Baldwin said...

LInda, you are right. Jean is heading up a great TEAM effort. Which we all appreciate!

Write2ignite said...

We love you, Jean... and we love you, too, CAROL! :)

I like seeing the vision in print. Just like Joyce, I pray God blesses the whole journey!

I'm so excited about next year's write2ignite. (Looking forward to hanging out with Joyce, too!)

Vonda Skelton said...

What a joy it's been to watch Write2Ignite grow under your leadership! Thanks for all you do to train writers how to write for Him.

Les Stobbe said...

Great vision and fine annual conference in Greenville.
Les Stobbe

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks friends, for stopping by. I think we all appreciate how Jean has selflessly given of her time and talents to encourage other writers.

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Thank you, Jean for sharing your vision. Thanks, Carol for interviewing Jean on your blog.

May God bless both of you.
Joan Y. Edwards

Keiki Hendrix said...

Love this vision and am honored to be a part of Jean's team.

Edupreneur said...

Jean, you already attained your goal to "teach, encourage and inspire" at A Day Apart editing workshop this summer.

Edupreneur said...

Jean, you met your goal to "teach, encourage and inspire" at A Day Apart editing workshop this summer.

Lisa Fowler said...

Thank you Jean for your vision and willingness to "be led" of the Spirit. I enjoyed the conference this year and am looking forward to the next.
Blessings on you and your entire team.

Karen Lange said...

Nice to learn more about Write2Ignite. It is a wonderful idea, and a blessing to many, I'm sure.

Janice D. Green said...

Write2Ignite is a great organization. Thank you for your wonderful leadership, Jean.

Janice Green, The Creation

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks to all of you for visiting my blog. Jean certainly has touched many lives- including mine!

Jean said...

Thanks, Carol for the opportunitiy to post on your blog.

I'm overwhelmed by such kind remarks. Thank you all for making the time to visit here and to leave such gracious comments.

It never ceases to amaze me that God chooses to do great things through fragile, weak vessels.

Blessings to you all,

Carol Baldwin said...

Amen, Jean. We all need that God-perspective on ourselves and our lives!

Mrs. Nelson said...

Write2Ignite has been an inspiration to my two sons and the Teen Track showed them that they are not alone in their passion for the written word!

Carol Baldwin said...

Very glad to hear that, Mrs. Nelson!

Tom King said...

A worthy vision, Jean. I've been working with East Texas Writer's Guild to sell the idea of creating our own co-op publishing house. The publishing world is changing and publishers demand ever more of writers. We're asked to do ever more to market our own work. It occurred to me that if we're going to do more of the work, we should reap more of the reward. I look forward to seeing how local and regional writer's groups handle the tectonic changes in publishing as they happen. It should be fun!

Tom King

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