Tuesday, August 15, 2023

DISCONNECTED by Riley Cross: A Book Review by Guest Blogger, Georgie Bartlett

Please welcome a new teen blogger, Georgie Bartlett. You can read about her and the giveaway below her review.


I thoroughly enjoyed Disconnected (Monarch: 2023) for a myriad of reasons, one of them being that it was an interesting and thought-provoking story from start to finish. Riley Cross has a way of making you feel as if you are really in Unity, Chiara’s controlled and restricted world. 

The main character, Chiara, was born a third-generation Anomaly, meaning she was the result of her parents falling in love rather than a perfect genetic match chosen by Auto. Inside Unity are those deemed worthy of citizenship, and outside of the circular walls of this futuristic civilization live the Streamless, the social outcasts. Unity’s inhabitants have been taught that the Streamless are mindless and incapable of functioning; just one of the many lies they have been fed since birth. The all-powerful artificial intelligence, Auto, controls the virtual world (the DataStream), and essentially rules over the citizens of Unity.  

When her mother and father die under mysterious circumstances, Chiara is orphaned and put under the care of her enigmatic Grandfather. When he also dies mysteriously and Chiara’s memory is wiped, she begins her mission to collect the shattered fragments of her mind, uncover the truth, and ignore the awful headaches, nightmares, and visions plaguing her. She also needs to escape Unity. In doing this, she has to decide whether or not she can leave her childhood best friend, Silas, possibly forever.  

Something that really stuck with me throughout the book was the phrase “Always with you,” which Chiara’s Grandfather tells her. I loved that he always had something to steady her. You can actually learn a lot from Grandfather and Auto about the plethora of dangers attached to AI and the gradual development of technology, and I positively love a fiction book that can teach me something. It had me thinking, could our society get to this point eventually?  

The characters in Disconnected felt so real, sometimes I forgot they were fictional, which is certainly a distinguishing characteristic of good writing. Among the main characters, there were arguments, conflicts, and heartbreak, but they all manage to put everything aside and come together in the end. I related to Chiara’s struggle with staying true to herself in an abrasive society. 

I am still thinking about this story, which is always a good sign when it comes to a novel. I adored how the evil of Auto was combated by books and the Forbidden Library which were all preserved in Chiara’s mind. She actually quotes Robert Frost at one point, and I have to say, that only helped to raise this book in my estimation. He is by far my favorite poet, and this book is by far one of my favorites I’ve read this year.  

 I don’t often read Sci-Fi, but Disconnected had me engaged from the start. The plot always kept moving, keeping me interested and wanting to read more. I recommend this to anyone with a penchant for Science Fiction. This book is an entirely clean read, which is one of the many things I appreciated about it. It does contain some graphic imagery surrounding Grandfather’s death, so I would recommend this book for readers ages 13 and up. If you want a novel that’s suspenseful and captivating, then Disconnected is a wonderful book to add to your TBR. I believe you will love it! 


Georgie Bartlett is a teen living in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with her family and two mischievous rescue dogs. She enjoys writing, crocheting, journaling, gardening, playing the drums, and above all, reading. 


Monarch Publishing is giving away a paperback copy and an Ebook version for two of my blog readers. To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment by August 22 with your email address if you are new to my blog. This would make a great gift for the young Science Fiction reader in your life -- or as an addition to your library. You can also email me to enter the contest. If you share this on social media or start following my blog I will enter your name twice. U.S. addresses only for the paperback. 


Kathy d said...

Great review and it looks like a wonderful book for the older kids!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Kathy. Your name starts the list for a reader who might really enjoy this!

Gail Hurlburt said...

Sounds like it would be interesting. Maybe one of my older granddaughters would love it.
Gail Hurlburt

Carol Baldwin said...

I bet she would! Thanks for your comment, Gail.

Marci said...

Sounds like a book my son would love. Thanks for sharing! What an interesting concept/story line!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Marci. Your name goes on the list.

Grannyjo said...

Sci-fi leaves me cold as something I would like to read. But, I have grandchildren who read all kinds of sci-fi so it’s a genre that has perhaps grown over the years. Or has it always been there and I ignored it! The reviewer wrote a wonderful review of the book that peaked my interest when she mentioned the topic of AI. Will I read it? If I am lucky enough to get a copy, MAYBE I can persuade my grandchild to have a book discussion with me?

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Jo Lynn! I KNOW one of your grandkids would love it!! Thanks for the comment on the reviewer. Georgie did a great job!

Carol Baldwin said...

Oops, Valinora, I accidentally deleted your wonderful comment! Thanks for complimenting Georgie. You'll see more from her in the future. Meanwhile, since one of the giveaways is an ebook, I can enter your name in the giveaway!!

Greg Pattridge said...

Quite the gripping story and one that should prove popular with the intended audience.Your review was excellent and outlined all the components making this a engaging plot. Great job, Georgie. The MC sounds like the perfect match to carry readers to the end. I'll have to step aside and not enter the giveaway given my growing pile of MG titles to review.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Greg. We're going to hear from Georgie again soon!

Rosi said...

You sure have tapped into some wonderful young reviewers. This sounds like a book fantasy lovers will enjoy. Thanks for the review. I will pass on the giveaway.

Georgie Bartlett said...

Thank you so much, Kathy! I think older kids would enjoy this book very much.

Georgie Bartlett said...

Yes, Gail, it is a very interesting read! I do hope your granddaughters enjoy it.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks for being my new teen reviewer, Georgie!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks for all your comments, Georgie!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks Rosi, I really have some great teen reviewers!

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