Saturday, October 28, 2023

HIDDEN TRUTHS: A Middle Grade Book Review by Guest Blogger, Brooke White

I last featured Brooke White when I introduced her and her self-published book. Today she returns as one of my guest reviewers. Take it away, Brooke!


Have you ever felt guilty for something that you think is your fault? 

In the novel Hidden Truths by Elly Swartz (Delacorte Press, 2023), each chapter is told from Eric or Dani’s point of view. This book is mainly realistic fiction and a mix of adventure and tragedy. Relatable experiences that happen in most middle schools are shown in this book.

Best friends Eric and Dani go on a camping trip but then a fire starts and Eric does his best to save Dani. Eric partially succeeds, but medical professionals soon help Dani with her injuries. Once this event happens, Eric and Dani’s friendship becomes distant. The mayhem of the friendship breakup leads Eric to believe Dani’s injuries are his fault. Although he feels deep guilt, he keeps it to himself for a few months.

I believe this book is great for middle-grade readers because learning about how to cope with grief, friendship troubles, and how to make a large difference as shown in the novel are important lessons for middle-grade students to understand. After finishing this story, I realized how hard it can be in different situations, which allows me to view my peers in a more empathic way. I also believe that Dani is a great role model because she always perseveres and confesses when she does something wrong. Dani is also a leader because she did something no other girl had done for the sports team. Dani deals with harsh feelings but pulls through them. Dani is very responsible for her actions. 

Some people may think this book is too mature for younger readers, considering there are some injuries and the book shows some examples of Eric and Dani facing anxiety and pain.

This book is very well-rounded with a captivating beginning and satisfying ending. Hidden Truths is a story that will grasp readers' attention. Overall, I would recommend Hidden Truths by Elly Swartz for ages 8+ (or around that age so they can fully grasp the story and its meaning).  I love the characters’ reactions and traits shown in the bittersweet parts of the book.

Brooke White is a 10-year-old 5th grader and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has written two books, “ Cupcake the Lying unicorn” and “Cookie Cat and the Tagalongs”. When Brooke isn’t reading or writing you’ll probably spot her sewing, scootering, swimming, or studying. This is Brooke’s first-ever book review! She has been dreaming about becoming a book reviewer ever since she could read!


This book is creating a lot of buzz! If you'd like to win a copy, please leave a comment by October 31. If you're new to my blog, please leave your email address or email me here. Remember, I have to approve your post before you'll see it online. U.S. addresses only.


Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Thanks Brooke for your insights into HIDDEN TRUTHS! Your writing and and analysis are terrific!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Joyce. I'm excited to have Brooke as a new tween guest blogger.

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Brooke, you did a great job of reviewing Hidden Truths. Thank you. No need to add my name.

Never Give Up
Joan Edwards

Danielle H. said...

This is an excellent review! I completely agree that middle graders need to see characters in books deal with tough issues like the ones tackled in this book.

Lindsey Hobson said...

Great review! Sounds like a very important book.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you Joan, Lindsey, and Danielle. Lindsey and Danielle-- your names go in the hat. Thanks for encouraging Brooke with your comments!

Gail Hurlburt said...

I do not see my previous comment. I know a granddaughter that would love this book!
Gail Hurlburt

Carol Baldwin said...

I just received this comment, Gail. You're in!

Marci said...

Great review, Brooke! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. This book sounds amazing!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Marci. I added your name to the list!

Kathy said...

Thank you for a well-written review , Brooke. It tells me about the book and characters, its plot, and why middle schoolers might enjoy it. It sounds great!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Kathy for your encouraging note. Your name goes in the hat for this book!

Brooke White said...

Hi Joyce,

Thanks for the praise! I am glad you noticed the analysis, that made me grin :)

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Joan,

Thank you for being the 2nd comment and for the positive remark! I also love the affirmation: " Never Give Up".

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Danielle,

Thank you for the compliment and for agreeing with me on how important it is for middle-grade readers to learn the tough stuff!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hey Lindsey,

Thanks for the encouragement and for agreeing on how important this book is.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hi Gail,

I'm glad that your comment got through. I hope your granddaughter will enjoy this book as much as I have!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hi Marci,

Thanks for the positive note. I also enjoy you reading my thoughts about this great book!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Kathy,

Thanks for the detailed comment! I also appreciate your review of my review:)

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Valpot said...

Excellent review, Brooke! The book sounds great, thanks for the recommendation!

Brooke White said...

Thank you, Valpot!

-Brooke White

Brenda said...

Excellent review Brooke!! I so enjoyed Hidden Truths too. I was really impressed with the amount of research that Elly Swartz put into the book and the way that the characters draw you in. Happy MMGM to you both.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Brenda!

Emily Weitz said...

This was a great review Brooke! It's not easy to explain a book without giving too much away! This sounds a like a great middle grade book for of emotion and a great story about friendship. Would love a copy for my students!

Carol Baldwin said...

I'm happy to add your name to the giveaway list, Emily. Thanks for your comment.

Greg Pattridge said...

Nicely done review, Brooke! I've previously read and reviewed this book and share many of your same critique points. Keep up the great work, but no need to enter me in the drawing.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks for your note for Brooke, Greg. These comments mean a lot to her.

Brooke White said...

Hello Brenda,

I'm thrilled that you also enjoyed Hidden Truths. I agree Elly Swartz did a great job intriguing readers!! Thanks for the kind comment! Happy MMGM to you too!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hi Emily,

Thank you for realizing how hard it is to not give too much away! I personally think it is an amazing book of emotion and a blissful story of friendship. I would love it if my school had a copy of this book, so I think it would be a great idea to get it for your class! Tell your class I said hello!

-Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Carol Baldwin said...

Brooke--I think you should ask your teacher or librarian to read this review and ask them to order a copy of the book for your school! Mrs. Baldiwn

Brooke White said...

Hello Mr. Pattridge,

Thank you for your amiable comment. I looked at your "Hidden Truths" review and I really enjoyed it, my favorite part was when you did your list of 5 things you enjoyed about the book. Overall thanks,

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Dear Mrs. Baldwin,

I really enjoy that idea, I will put it on my list of things to do tomorrow! :)

-Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this, Brooke. I've read other reviews by bloggers who really enjoyed it too. It sounds like a book I'd enjoy given the issues it addresses. Great review.

Rosi said...

Nice job, Brooke. I read this book not long ago, and it was fun to read your thoughts. I liked the book a lot and am glad to see the message about this fine book being passed along. Thanks for the post. No need to put my name in the drawing. I have a copy.

Carol Baldwin said...

I think you would like it, Natalie. And your name is about to go in the hat!

Brooke White said...

Hello Natalie,

I'm glad a good amount of others enjoy it as much as I do! I hope you do enjoy it if you get a copy. Thank you for the informative comment! Happy "Hidden Truths" birthday!

Happy Halloween,
Brooke White

Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary said...

This is great! I absolutely agree with this review. I read HIDDEN TRUTHS recently and had some similar thoughts. :)

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Kasey!

Brooke White said...

Hello Kasey,

Thanks for the enjoyable comment! I'm glad you've gotten to read "Hidden Truths" and also felt similar emotions. Happy November!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Sue Heavenrich said...

What a wonderful review! Thank you Brooke for sharing your thoughts and diving into the middle-grade emotions of the characters.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you for encouraging Brooke, Sue!

Brooke White said...

Hello Sue,

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed my thoughts on the "Hidden Truths" middle-grade emotions of the characters. That was one of the parts I put much thought into!

-Yours Truly,
Brooke White

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