Wednesday, February 12, 2020

You Are Mine, Porcupine: A Picture Book Review and Giveaway

Congratulations to Jana Leah B. for winning AMERICAN ROAD TRIP on last week's blog.

Fortunately for you and me, Sleeping Bear Press keeps me well stocked in picture books. This week's book, in time to celebrate Valentine's Day, is the sweet picture book You are Mine: Porcupine written by Helen L. Wilbur and beautifully illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman


If you've ever wondered about what it's like to be a scared or curious porcupine, you'll find your answers in this book written from Mama porcupine's POV.

"Just a little porcupup
With lots to learn as you grow up."

After that introduction, Mama proceeds to instruct her porcupette (the real word for a baby porcupine!) on what to eat, where to sleep, how to fend off the dangers around him, and when it's time to play.

She shows her baby how to sleep in "porcupine-trees,"

and the little one enjoys exploring his world. Until....he wanders too far and meets a wolf! But his instinct and his mama's lessons pay off.

His mama praises him and they end the night peacefully.

I love the porcu-word play and the vivid illustrations. Teachers, parents, grandparents, and caregivers will enjoy reading this book to their own little porcupines--I can picture many of you reading this with a little one snuggled on your lap. Even though I have provided only a few samples of the illustrations, I hope you can see how the colors convey the mood of the story, ending with bright, peaceful colors in the last spread.  

The last two pages provide more information about the "might fine porcupine."


Interested in sharing this book with your favorite porqupette? Leave me a comment by February 14 and will pick a winner. Please leave me your email address if you are new to my blog. 


Connie Porter Saunders said...

I would love to share this with my "almost 6" porqupette. I also loved learning this new word!
Thank you & Blessings!

Carol Baldwin said...

You start the list, Connie!

Barbara Younger said...

My grand kids will love this book. My oldest collects stuffed animals. I bet he'd love the book AND a toy porcupine. I will see what I can find in the stuffed animal department.

Rita Wray said...

I would love to share this book with my granddaughter.


Carol Gwin Nelson said...

What a sweet book to share with the grandkids! I love the lessons mama shares and how is shows a real life application to them.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you Barbara & Carol. What a lovely idea--to give a stuffed porcupine along with the book! You're both in.

Danielle H. said...

As an aspiring picture book writer who loves nature and science, this book is definitely one to read as mentor text. I remember when our dog got too close with a porcupine when I was growing up. The quills are super sharp and long. Thank you for the chance to win a copy. This is one of my favorite publishers.

Carol Baldwin said...

You would love this book, Danielle!

Jana Leah B said...

This story looks adorable. Thanks for the giveaway!
turtle6422 at gmail dot com

Rosi said...

I can't wait to read this book. It looks so sweet and unique. Thanks for showing so many of the beautiful pages! Thanks for a chance to win.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Jana Leah. YOu're in!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks Rita and Rosi. You're both in!

Grannyjo said...

Sounds so cute! Reading with little ones snuggled in my lap is my favorite!

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