Friday, March 15, 2024

THE HUMAN BODY: AN ALIEN'S GUIDE: A Graphic Novel Review by Guest Blogger Brooke Leela-Ann White

The human body… more like the heroic body!

The Human Body: An Alien’s Guide, written by Ruth Redford and illustrated by Leandro Cunha, is a graphic novel about human biology. This book features two aliens, Zag and Zog, who go on an adventurous mission to learn about the human body. 

I read it to my 5-year-old brother, Noah-Austin.


I recommend this book for kids in grades 3-4 since it is interesting, fun, and an easy read. Zag and Zog break down the human body into percentages:

The alien has three big eyes and the other guy looks like an oval!”- Noah-Austin White

The aliens fly through seven systems of the body on their spaceship.

In the skeletal system, the curious aliens learn about the bones of the body, cartilage, how bones can heal themselves, and the joints' functions. 

I taught Noah-Austin about his funny bone.

In the muscular system, Zag and Zog learn about the different types of muscles and their location.


Why is an alien in the body? They should be on the moon right now!”

- Noah-Austin White


Zog talks like an alien: "That’s it? Do they ever just feel zorpy?” he says when the two learn how many muscles the face uses.

The two aliens discover the nervous system and learn about electric signals sent to the brain notifying the brain what action it needs to perform. They also discuss how nerves are needed in different places for different movements.

In the circulatory system, these cool little monsters learn about blood, blood cells, germs, blood vessels, arteries, the heart, and blood clots.


The cells mistake them for enemies and start to attack them! Luckily, the extraterrestrials escape. 

In the immune system, they learn about oxygen, carbon dioxide, lungs, mucus, viruses, and, infected cells. But real trouble awaits in the digestive system. 

“The stomach mush looks like poop.”-Noah-Austin White

In the digestive system, the one-eyed and three-eyed aliens are educated about the process of how the body digests food, the small intestine, the large intestines, feces, heartburn, stomach ache, urination, infections, and lots more! Then, the aliens start to get trapped by the stomach acid made when the human experiences heartburn, but they find a way out (phew!) without any chaos, or digestion drama in the mix.

      Why does he have so many arms?” Noah-Austin asked.

Lastly, in the endocrine system, the spacelings learn about puberty, hormones, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the parathyroid, the thymus gland, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, and the thyroid glands. I had no idea these were such things--I can’t even pronounce them! The octopus-like aliens also discover how emotions affect hormones.

I find this story fascinating because the facts are formatted in a way that’s easy to understand. This story differs from other biology books because it is a graphic novel and kid-friendly. I also enjoyed how in each system the aliens don’t only learn about the parts of the body, but they also have an adventure/exploration!

I recommend THE HUMAN BODY: An Alien's Guide to any kid who wants to learn about human biology. I love this book because it helped me learn a lot of important information quickly. The illustrations helped me better understand what the parts of the body look like, and the cartoony art style gave it a fun feel. 

Brooke Leela-Ann White is an 11-year-old 5th grader who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has written two books, “ Cupcake the Lying Unicorn” and “Cookie Cat and the Tagalongs”. When Brooke isn’t reading or writing you’ll probably spot her sewing, scootering, swimming, or studying. This is Brooke’s fourth book review, She has been dreaming about becoming a book reviewer ever since she could read!


If you are interested in adding this book to your home or school library, leave me a comment by March 19. If you are new to my blog, make sure you leave your email address. If you are a new subscriber to my blog or an educator or librarian, I'll put your name in twice. 

Don't forget to check out Greg Pattridge's great MMGM blog every Monday!  


Danielle H. said...

I am definitely interested in this informative book. Please enter my name for a chance to win a copy.

Katerinas Blog said...

It really looks like an inspired book that will offer children the knowledge of their Body in an interesting way. I'm not interested in winning the book as I'm from far away (Greece) but it's nice to be given away. Have a beautiful weekend!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Katerina-- for leaving a comment, following my blog, and letting me know where you are!

Carol Baldwin said...

Your name starts the list, Danielle!

Cindy Lynn Sawyer said...

What a fun way to teach kids about the human body. Kids are really loving graphic novels today!

Carol Baldwin said...

Agreed, Cindy! Your grandkids would love this book.

Gail Cartee said...

This is hilarious I know my grandkids would love it, even the 18 yr old studying ultrasound!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Gail. I'm adding your name to the list now!

Natalie Aguirre said...

This sounds like a clever non-fiction graphic novel. I didn't even know authors wrote non-fiction in a graphic novel format. I'll let someone else win the book.

Carol Baldwin said...

Yes, Natalie. Nonfiction Graphic novels are big! Thanks fo your comment.

Emily Weitz said...

This looks like a fabulous and hilarious book to teach kids about the human body. Super clever! I'm sure my students would love it!

Carol Baldwin said...

It is clever, Emily. Your name goes in twice! Thanks for commenting.

Brenda said...

What a wonderful way to introduce and encourage kids to learn about the human body. No need to enter me in the giveaway. Happy MMGM to you

Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary said...

I love the idea of this book. Sounds like a really fun, informative read. Happy MMGM!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Kasey. I'll add your name to the list!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Brenda. You're in!

Greg Pattridge said...

What a great resource for kids to start learning about human biology.Very thorough review with fun pictures from the book and with Brooke and her brother. Thanks for being a part of MMGM this week. I'll let someone else win the giveaway with my backlog of books still to read.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Greg! Brooke worked hard on this review!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Great review, and it looks like a real asset for school libraries and the like. I'm pretty sure my kids would have enjoyed it when they were the right age. Thanks for sharing. I don't needs to be entered in the drawing.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Rebecca! I appreciate your comment and I'm sure Brooke will too.

ET Charles said...

Great review. Thanks for sharing. No need to enter me in the drawing.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, E.T. for your comment. That will be an encouragement to Brooke.

Brooke White said...

Hello Danielle,
Thanks for your comment!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Greetings Katerina!

I agree, this book does interestingly showcase the human body! Wow, living in Greece must be fun, beautiful, and jaw-dropping!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Cindy,

Your statement about kids loving graphic novels is true(In my opinion).
I love graphic novels because they are fast reads, but the combination of art and topics is fascinating!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello there Gail,

Yes, this book is comical, I believe this book can be for any age, even 18-year-olds studying ultrasound!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Greetings Natalie,

I wasn’t aware of non-fiction graphic novels either. I only knew about fiction/realistic fiction ones! Which is surprising since I enjoy graphic novels. Oh, wait... Maybe I did.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Emily,

This book is all those things and more, it would be a great read for students.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Greetings Brenda,

I agree, it is a great introduction to the human body and encourages kids to learn about it.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Good evening Kasey,

I feel the same! I believe that this book's whole storyline is what leads it to be fun & informative!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Mr. Pattridge,

Yes, human biology mixed with fictional characters is such a good resource for kids!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello there Rebecca,

I agree, this would be a good book to showcase at a library. I am happy to share my thoughts!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Good Morning E.T,

Thank you, I appreciate the comment!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

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