Monday, May 21, 2012

Juggling Museums

Did you read that title and think, "Is this a blog about museums that feature jugglers?" Or perhaps, "Who in the world juggles museums?" 

I confess. It's neither. 

Image from
This post features two recent projects: The first is a guest blog on Elysabeth Elderling's Writing Emporium entitled, "Juggling the Writer's Life."  She asked me to discuss how I juggle my commitments as a writer; composing it actually helped me evaluate how I spend my time. I hope you'll find it helpful too.

The second project is the May issue of Talking Story which features museums. With summer approaching, Joyce Hostetter and I thought we'd encourage readers to explore both national and out-of-the-way museums. We have four great books to give away, including The Wright 3, (last week's blog) so please check it out and enter!


Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

I know all about juggling - but I tend to drop a lot of balls!

I'll be over to Elysabeth's site to read that next. (Speaking of juggling!)

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, joyce. I hope the blog is helpful to you. Maybe we're trying to juggle too many balls at the same time? Maybe we need to keep the amount of balls in the air at any given time to a minimum?

Margriet said...

Enjoyed your museum newsletter! Good ideas. Want to let you know that my book ME & MARTHA BLACK is all about musea, too. It's a historic novel based on facts about the Klondike Goldrush. The main character visits her uncle, a museum curator and a historic figure, Martha Black, 'comes back to life' - a kind of time travel. Fits in nicely with your museum issue! Cheers.

Linda A. said...

I love to tour museums too. Some hold treasure hunts and other activities geared for school visits or special events. Kids enjoy these very much. As always, your newsletter is great.

Linda A.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks Linda, for your support. Margriet- I wish I had known that before we published the newsletter! We would have been happy to include a link to it! SO many good books out there, right?

elysabeth said...


Thanks for being my guest and yes the treasure trove of information one can gather from museums is limitless. I can see how using the museums for research is a definite benefit. I think I need to do some research online within a national museum for my next novel. Hoping I find all the information I need. Chat soon - E ;)

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of Finally Home, a middle grade/YA paranormal mystery

Carol Baldwin said...

THe problem with research, Elysabeth, is that it can be addictive!! There is always one more fact to check--one more thing to find out! Enjoy the process though.

Jean said...

I love museums. Where else can you wander through beautifully lit, gorgeously cooled (or heated) spaces letting your mind wander and your imagination go wild?


Carol Baldwin said...

Oh yes, Jean. Totally agree!

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