Friday, November 30, 2012

In Her Own Words

In my writing career, the only thing I can imagine that would be better than acquiring an agent and publisher for Half-Truths would be if one of my writing friends reached their goal of obtaining a publisher. 

And so I am super-abundantly happy to celebrate Linda Phillips' news. Two years ago I shared how she landed an agent. Now, I'm going to let her share, in her own words, her 18-year saga that culminated in signing with a publisher. 

I hope you'll click on over to her blog and enjoy her journey. She's two years out from seeing her young adult novel actually in print, but we're praising the Lord that she's on her way.

Usually Linda and I walk, talk about writing, and pray together.
This summer we tried our hand at making peach jam.


Linda Phillips said...

Thanks Carol! I am humbled by your kind words and gracious sharing of my writing journey. I can't thank you enough for all the help and support you have given me along the way! You are a wonderful encourager.

Carol Baldwin said...

The feelings are mutual!!

Linda A. said...

I plan to hop on over and read about Linda's journey. It must feel so good to have encouraged her along the way! Indeed you are a good friend.

Linda A.

Carol Baldwin said...

THanks, Linda. It's been great! I feel like a midwife!

Jean said...

What a great friend you are! I know Linda appreciates your love and encouragement.

And I do, too.


THE NIGHT WAR: A MG Historical Novel Review

  By now you should have received an email from my new website about my review of THE NIGHT WAR by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. (It'll com...