Sunday, June 18, 2023

A SKY FULL OF SONG: A Guest Review by Mara and Sophia Scudder PLUS a Giveaway



My cousin, Mara, and I read A Sky Full of Song, by Susan Lynn Meyer, and we both found numerous flaws with both the story and the main character, Shoshanna, a young Jewish pioneer. We didn’t find her to be relatable or likable. The book drowned its own message with too many woke topics like extreme bullying, the injustice of periods, sexism in the family, and mistreated immigrants, none of which were resolved. And, most importantly, there wasn’t any real hope offered, which left both the readers and the protagonist feeling defeated.

Although the author included beautiful descriptions of the North Dakota land surrounding Shoshanna’s home and the title implied that the beauty of midwestern America would become a comfort and resolution to the numerous conflicts the book attempted to juggle, it ultimately resolved none of the conflicts within the work. While the protagonist was upset about how unfair periods are, how her mother never favors her, how hard it is to have a different religion than anyone else, how mean the bullies at school are, how much she misses her home country, how hard it is to live in America, how unfair the government was to the Native American tribe that used to live in their area, and how her brother teases her, the author only resolved the issues between her and her brother. She explained that Shoshanna had merely forgotten how they used to tease each other, and after remembering that he meant no harm when he teased her, she teased him back. After reading this apt resolution, we were hopeful that the other conflicts would be resolved, as well. 

Unfortunately, they were not. Instead, the book ends with the protagonist Shoshanna still wondering whether or not she should offer forgiveness to the bully who apologized for mistreating her. Although she decides not to hide her culture and beliefs from her friends, she mainly does this to appease her sister, Libke, and to smooth over the division between them. Meanwhile, her frustration with the partiality her mother supposedly shows to her brother, the anger she feels on behalf of the Lakota people, her discontent with both her old and new home, and her outrage at discovering that only girls have periods, remain unaddressed. The author drops these issues halfway through the book.

Life was hard, and only going to get harder.

Pioneering at that time and place was very difficult, especially for immigrants who would struggle to cross both cultural and linguistic barriers to set up a permanent home in the West. It is important that we tell stories about individuals growing up in unusually hard settings (as this story did). But the reader was never offered the resolution that hope brings. Not only is this unsatisfying, but it is also inaccurate. The pioneer spirit was a very real, powerful thing that transformed the mostly empty wilderness of midwestern America into a prosperous land. Immigrants were especially poignant displays of such spirit and determination. The depressed spirit of Shoshanna, who consistently complains about the difficulties of her old home while also mourning the challenges she faces in America, is in sharp contrast to the unbeatable optimism of those in her generation. 

Laura Ingalls, for instance, survived three years of locusts destroying her family’s only income, a difficult winter that starved her village for seven months, and being consistently bullied in her school while keeping a pioneer spirit stronger than ever. 

Another example would be the fictional story of Lyddie, who was sold off as a servant to pay her family’s debts. She dreamed of a day when the farm would be paid for, her father would return, and the family could work the farm together. Instead, her family fell apart, her closest friends fell ill, and she lost the only people she could depend on. Yet her final words are filled with hope that she would determine her own destiny and never fear anyone. She would finally be independent, even if it meant letting go of the dreams that she knew now would never come to be. 

Western Americans, immigrant or not, were highly adaptable and strong because of it, and the author showed none of this in either her protagonist or the other characters. Instead, it seemed as though it was Shoshanna’s right to complain about the injustices around her and her injured spirit was never addressed as a flaw. Rather, it was referred to as an inevitable result of the difficulties she faced, rather than a hurdle she had to overcome to achieve happiness.

    Overall, Shoshanna came off as whiny and unrelatable, giving the reader no reason to stick around for the rest of the story. She complained about the myriad of problems in her life but never got around to actually fixing them. And the one quality that could possibly redeem this book, the themes of hope, love, and a hard-working spirit, was missing too. We need children's stories that remind future generations of the strength, hope, and determination that built this country. Unfortunately, A Sky Full of Song is not one of them.


Please leave a comment by June 22 if you are interested in receiving this book. U.S. addresses only. Keep in mind that your comment might not show up immediately; I need to approve it first.


Hi! My name is Mara, and I’m a Christian artist, violinist, and blogger. I love acting (especially musical theater) and I am the co-founder of a small stage productions group at my church. I’m an adventurous entrepreneur and a fierce negotiator who loves debates. But most of all, I love good stories.

I remember the day that I decided that I would learn something new about what makes a good story from every book I picked up — whether it was good, bad, or a mixture of both. I use my blog as a way of sharing some of the tips and tricks I’ve learned and highlighting which books, cartoons, and movies have taught me the most about writing an awesome story, even if they didn’t do it especially well themselves.

Hello, I’m Sophia! I’m a child of God and I love to write! I’m also a total theater kid and a strong dessert (specifically cupcake) enthusiast. For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed both reading and making my own stories. I’m so glad I get to share with you what I’ve learned from some of my favorite (or sometimes least favorite) stories on my blog. I live in Philadelphia and am in ninth grade.


Make sure you check out Greg Pattridge's MMGM blog with other middle-grade reviews.


Beth said...

I impressed by this review by the two cousins. It takes guts to review a book that doesn't work. Lesdons for us all. I can't wait to read these blogs of these two perceptive reviewers!

Carol Baldwin said...

I totally agree, Beth. It took guts and critical thinking and good writing skills to compose this review. Thanks for your comment.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the totally honest review. I agree that stories that don't resolve conflicts aren't satisfying. I admire that Mara and Sophia finished the book. I'm going to have to pass on the giveaway. I'm so behind in my reading.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Natalie. I appreciate your response to their review.

Miriam Spitzer Franklin said...

I like the way the girls gave their specific personal reasons for not liking the book. I would love to read this book for myself to see if I have a different viewpoint! Thanks for hosting the giveaway and bringing in young reviewers, Carol!

Brenda said...

What an impressive review and so detailed in what didn't appear to work. I really appreciate the honesty of the two readers.

Carol Baldwin said...

And I would love to hear what you think, Miriam! Thanks for your comment and you know how much I love encouraging young writers!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Brenda. They are two thinkers and writers!

Danielle H. said...

I too am very impressed by the well-thought out explanation of why this book didn't resonate with these two reviewers. I enjoy historical fiction and have this book on my TBR. I've now read reviews of readers who really enjoyed this one and readers who didn't. I know not all books are for everyone so this was an enjoyable post for me. I'm extra curious if I will also find these unresolved plot issues frustrating as your reviewers did.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Danielle. You're right that not every book is for every reader. I'll add your name to the giveaway list and I look forward to hearing what you think of it--whenever you read it.

Valinora Troy said...

I think it's a shame when historical novels include 21st century values and concerns. It sounds like this book, with a great setting and premise, missed an opportunity to be true to the time. Shoshanna does not sound very empathetic, and I can see why Mara and Sophia didn't like it, especially with so little resolved (either in the book or hinted at). Always great to read an honest and thoughtful review, with reasons for why they liked/disliked a book, so thank you.
Carol, I'm impressed yet again by your talented young reviewers!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Valinora. Yes, I think that Sophia and Mara were very insightful in what they commented on and yes, historical fiction needs to stay true to the period in which it takes place! I am grateful for my young reviewers!

Greg Pattridge said...

Say it like it is! I appreciated these two young reviewers' honesty and backing up their opinions with facts. Well done. I will let someone else win the giveaway given my current backlog of books to read. Thanks for being a part of MMGM again.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Greg. I know Sophia and Mara will appreciate all these MMGM comments!

Rosi said...

Wow. That is a very thorough and thoughtful and honest review. Thanks for that. I will pass on the giveaway. I am buried in books.

Marci said...

Great job writing an honest and thorough review. Good work, girls!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Marci. I appreciate everyone who has commented on this review. Unfortunately, I just picked a winner!

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