Saturday, November 11, 2023


It's been a long time since I've published a "You Heard It Here First" blog post

It's been an even longer time since I first began writing Half-Truths

My first blog was in 2007 when I wrote about attending a SCBWI-Carolinas conference and finding my character's voice. Since then, I've written over 100 blog posts about this writing journey. The list includes the books I've read, 

a few of the over 100 people I interviewed, the workshops I took, and some of my major revisions. I applied for several SCBWI WIP grants and queried agents and publishers. Although I never won a contest or received a bite (although a few rejections were encouraging and personal), my vision for my book became clearer. 

One of my special interviewees, Price Davis.
He is standing in front of his childhood home in Cherry, NC.

Ask me how many drafts I've completed and I can't answer. Officially, I have ten drafts in Word and fourteen in Scrivener. Each of these drafts was revised countless times. 

One way of visualizing where scenes would go.

Sixteen years is a long time to be working on one book, but as I soon realized after beginning this task, I didn't know what I didn't know. There were times that I took breaks and worked on other projects too. Each time I returned to the manuscript, I still loved the characters and the plot. 

In the beginning, I had an idea about a white girl (Kate) who moved to the Myers Park neighborhood of Charlotte, NC from a farm in either South Carolina or North Carolina. She would feel like an outsider as she tried to figure out where she belonged in the world of 1950s debutantes. Soon after moving to her grandmother's home, she would meet a Black girl, Lillian. They would have an off-and-on friendship but would eventually bond over finding a remedy for Kate's goat's ringworm. There would be betrayal, the uncovering of long-buried family secrets, and clandestine trips to a funeral home and a cemetery. 

All that has stayed the same. But, so much has changed. 

I wrestled with how to begin the story and rewrote the beginning at least 50 times. I put in the murder of Lillian's brother and then took it out. I gave each girl a boyfriend and then, based on Rebecca Petruck's advice that I was getting too far away from my theme, I took them out. I spent two years writing it from both girls' POVs and then abandoned that idea. I made up a fictional town named Crossroads, NC until my mentor, Joyce Hostetter, convinced me that there was real history in Tabor City, NC that I should use. I changed the names of characters, deleted scenes that I loved, battled confusion and discouragement, and tried to figure out if this was a middle-grade or young adult book.

Until I found Monarch Educational Services in July. 

My Talking Story newsletter partner, Rebecca Wheeler, published her debut YA novel, WHISPERING THROUGH WATER with Monarch in January. She recommended querying the publisher, Jennifer Lowry. Despite being afraid of another rejection, within thirty minutes of sending my query, Jennifer responded that it was stellar. A few minutes later she asked for the full manuscript. That was beyond my craziest dream!

In September Jennifer provided detailed editorial input. One of her first reactions was that she saw Half-Truths as a young adult book and not as middle grade. Monarch is committed to clean reads and provides content ratings for all of their books. Since Half-Truths includes a reference to a sexual encounter between a slave owner and his slave, Jennifer felt strongly that it is a young adult novel. Since I've debated this issue so many times I'm happy to identify it as YA and for this conflict resolution! By the way, I've seen this book as upper middle-grade and expect that it will interest readers from 12 and up. 

Finally, after years of writing, rewriting, planning, and proofreading, I'm thrilled to announce, that Half-Truths will be published in June 2025. 

If you're my Facebook friend, you may have wondered why the picture of Blue Willow china has been my profile picture for all these years. If you want to be one of the first to find out its role in Half-Truths, leave me a comment (including your email address if you think I might not have it) and I'll send you a digital ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) about six months before the book releases. The only qualification is that you post a review on Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, or Independent Book Review.  (Amazon won't allow you to post a review until the book's release.)

Thank you for joining me in this publication journey. 


Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Carol,
Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Hip Hip Hooray! I am so excited for you! I am proud of you for Never Giving Up on your dream for Half-Truths!

Do something fun to celebrate you!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, JOan. I appreciate your support!!

Miriam Spitzer Franklin said...

CAROL!!!!!! I am so thrilled to hear this news. You have worked so incredibly hard and I hope you will continue to share your publication journey as you are an inspiration to many writers. This story deserves to be told and I am glad you stuck with it and always believed you would find the right path to telling it. I cannot wait to read your book when it makes it out in the world. I hope you are celebrating this huge accomplishment!!!!!!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Miriam. You know how long I have been working on this!!!

Carol Gwin Nelson said...

Carol, Congratulations! This is a well deserved outcome from all of the work and learning you did to make this book the best it could be! I’m so happy for you. It gives me hope for both the manuscript in the drawer and the one I’m working on now.
Carol Nelson

Eileen Heyes said...

Carol, this is really thrilling. I've heard only bits and pieces about your journey to find and tell this story, but I know you've earned this success a thousand times over. I hope you'll be doing readings in my area, and if not, I'll make a trip to wherever you are. Can't wait to hold Half-Truths in my hands. Congratulations!

Kim said...

Congratulations Carol! When you return to a manuscript over and over and still love the characters, you know you have a story that needs to be told. So happy for you that your story has finally found a home!

Susan Pless said...

Wow, Carol!!! This is fantastic! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to read your book. You are an amazing writer with a great story to share. Congratulations!!

Carolyn Fraiser said...

Oh Carol. I am beyond THRILLED FOR YOU! I know you have struggled with this book and to finally see that it found a home must fill you with such joy. I am celebrating and happy dancing for you and this amazing achievement. Congratulations!!!

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Carol,
You are very welcome. Would love to do a blog post celebrating your contract to get Half Truths published!


Jo Hackl said...

So happy for you Carol! Such well-deserved news!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Jo. I knew you'd be excited!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Joan!!! You are a sweetheart.

Carol Baldwin said...

Carolyn--I couldn't wait for you to hear this news. THANK YOU!! You know what this means.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Susan! You've heard about this story for a LOOOONG time!

Carol Baldwin said...

You know it, Kim!! And thank you.

Carol Baldwin said...

Eileen--that is so sweet of you. Did you know that my first blog post about Half-Truths included you?

Carol Baldwin said...

I'm so happy to give others hope! Thanks, Carol.

Marci said...

Congratulations, Carol!! I'm so very excited for you and I can't wait to read your novel.

Clemson Tiger said...

So happy to hear this and looking forward to actually reading this book at last! ( and btw,I love your Blue Willow set! My mom had Blue Willow as her “good China”, and kept the entire set except a cup and one bowl (and the lamp which we broke…) through 50 years of her missionary journeys to the Belgian Congo, the Caribbean, and back to the US. It has been passed down to my brothers family and we still eat on it at family gatherings! ). Judy

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Judy. Your family has been a great encouragement to me!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Marci. I look forward to you reading it too!

Kim A. Larson said...

Congratulations, Carol! How exciting!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Kim. I'm pretty stoked!!

Jolene Gutiérrez said...

Carol, this is just the BEST news! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations! <3

Gail Cartee said...

Carol, I am so excited for you. You have put your heart and soul into this book. Your hard work is finally coming to fruition. I can't wait to read the final book. Congratulations!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Gail. You're on my ARC list!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Jolene. Worth a chocolate cake, right??

Jolene Gutiérrez said...

Absolutely! A chocolate cake and then some! <3

Carol Baldwin said...

HA HA!, Jolene!

Kathy said...

That's such wonderful news, Carol! Congratulations!

Jilanne Hoffmann said...

Huge congrats, Carol!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Jilanne!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Kathy!!

Annette Whipple said...

YOU DID IT! Congratulations! I'm proud of your perseverance and faithfulness!

PianoDeb61 said...

Congratulations, Carol! I'm ecstatic for you! I cannot wait to read it!! This is really good news! Hip, Hip, Hooray!! <3

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you Annette. The Lord opened the right doors. Praise God!

Carol Baldwin said...

PIanoDeb61-- this must be Deb Syms-Gibson. THANK YOU for your tidbits about tobacco leaves. And Praise the Lord for opening the door to the perfect publishing house.

Lynn Bonner said...

I am so happy for you! I would love to find out about the Blue Wllow china, get an early release, and post on a blog for you. I enjoyed the version that I read, and can’t wait to read the rest of the book. Congratulations!
Lynn Bonner

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Lynn. I'll add your name to my list of reviewers!

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Wow. This is so exciting, Carol—congrats and blessings!!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Jarm!!

Beth said...

WOW! Your news is encouraging to us pre-published writers. You have many supporters because you are a giving writer. We are all in your corner at each step of your journey. Very interested in the Blue Willow story and in reading your debut!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Beth. Hang in there and keep working on your craft and your story! Don't give up! And if you want to be on my ARC reader's list, please email me your email address at

Valinora Troy said...

Totally fantastic news!!! Congratulations, Carol, thrilled to hear such wonderful news!!! I've really enjoyed reading the posts you've shared on Half-Truths, and so excited to hear it will soon be out in the world. And of course I'd love an eARC!! Please out me in the draw. Congratulations again! Hope you do (or have done!) something special to celebrate!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Valinora. I'm delighted that you want to review Half-Truths, and yes I've been celebrating!!

Brooke White said...

Yay! After years of edits and manuscripts, the time has come! I would love to get an early release and review your book. One of the best feelings in the writing industry! Supporting and cheering you,

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Carol Baldwin said...

You will definitely get a eARC, Brooke. I look forward to reading your review!!

Sue Heavenrich said...

and now we know the rest of the story! Congratulations!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Sue. I hope you'll read an eArc too!

Greg Pattridge said...

You are a great example of never giving up. The story behind the story has me hooked. An eARC would be welcome, though with my reading/review schedule it may be another 16 years before I have time to dive into your story. Congratualations!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Greg! E-arcs will be available in January 2025--maybe you can pencil me into your schedule. I'd LOVE to have you read and review it!! Carol

Angela Ackerman said...

AHHHH! This is the best news ever! What a labor of love, and I am so thrilled to see it find a home at last. Just overjoyed! Congrats a million times over!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you Angela--your words mean A TON!!! And thanks for ONE STOP. My favorite writing tool.

Cathy Stefanec Ogren said...

Congratulations, Carol! This is fantastic news! Your perseverance has paid off. This is so well deserved. Celebrate!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Cathy. I have been!!

Rosi said...

Great news, Carol! Congratulations! All your hard work is paying off for you.

Lisa Werdel said...

Carol, this is amazing and well deserved after all the work you put into it ! Congratulations !!!
and… of course… since you finished this book I can‘t wait for the next very special one.
xxx Lisa

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Lisa. I know! I have to get to work on the next one!

Vijaya said...

Oh, Carol, I've been so busy (singing, not writing) that I've missed out on a lot of writerly news. I came here after reading a comment on WU... HUGE Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your journey of perseverance. I'm so happy that a story of your heart has a home, that it will be a real book!!! And yeah, put me on your list of people to send an ARC to. It will be a pleasure.

Yes, those upper MGs are hard to place. I'm revising my YA historical as a MG because it falls in that in-between spot. I still think it's more appropriate for YA but can't argue with the facts. Much good luck and success as you go forward. And remember to enjoy every minute!!! I'm so happy!!!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you Vijaya. I've been meaning to let you know and so happy that you found your way to this blog post from WU! I'd love to have you as an ARC reader and will put your name in my list now! And yes...I'm having fun!!

Salt to the Sea: A Review

As I mentioned last week , I've moved from Blogger to WordPress. The transition hasn't gone as smoothly as I'd hoped it would. Y...