Saturday, February 24, 2024

RAT: A Book Review by Tween Guest Blogger, Brooke White

The book RAT by Jan Cheripko is an upper middle-grade/young adult novel offering a unique, first-person perspective of Jeremy, a disabled boy in high school. I would recommend this book for readers 11+ who can comprehend the use of mature language, suggestive dialogue, violence, abuse, and swear words. 


We start in a courtroom, with Jeremy a witness in a trial, stating what he saw when his basketball coach, Coach Stennard, physically abused a cheerleader, Cassandra Diaz. He explains that the coach was trying to kiss Cassandra and physically disrespect her boundaries.


He explains his passion for basketball, expressing that he’s not too good, but that doesn’t change how he likes the sport. He then tells the judge that his nickname is Rat because his “friends” always call him a gym rat! 


Jeremy states that the coach threatened to cut a slit in his throat if he told anyone about what he saw. Jeremy also stated that he saw Cassandra crying, with her blouse ripped.


Jeremy and his “friends” talk about the incident. Jeremy learns that his “friends” are only concerned about getting a new coach and are mad at him for testifying against Coach Stennard.  Jeremy thinks about how his injury at birth to his right arm affects his life. He says the reason he’s good at basketball is because he concentrates and doesn’t miss the hoop. In the gym, Simpson bullies Jeremy, and then Josh, another “friend” says, “Leave it alone”. 


In a basketball game, Simpson chooses Felipe and Josh, while Mr. O’Connor chooses two girls, Katie and Megan. Jeremy is hurt that he hasn’t been chosen, but he still watches the game. In the end, Mr. O’Connor and the girls win!


For Jeremy, it feels good to see Simpson defeated, but that ends quickly. Jeremy attempts to shoot the basketball in the hoop, but then Simpson steals the ball and pins him down using the basketball. Simpson pushes the basketball into Jeremy’s right arm and into his back. Jeremy wiggles on the floor and the kids laugh at him. I found this part of the story a great visual and a good example of what Jeremy experiences.


Mr. O’Connor, the new basketball coach, tells the team that Jeremy is the new assistant manager. No one responds. Mr. O’Connor gives the team a basketball handbook and discusses the principles with the players.


Once Simpson bullies Jeremy again, Coach O’Connor meets with Jeremy in his office. He talks about honesty and reminds him that honesty is the first principle in the handbook. Jeremy thinks about Coach Stennard and reflects on the terrible experience, then decides to reassess. My favorite character is Mr. O’Connor.  I look up to his encouraging, rule-following, and empathetic personality.


Once I started reading this book I couldn’t stop turning the pages! This story guides us through many of Jeremy’s real-life experiences, which we can learn from. Some lessons that stuck out to me were the importance of understanding how to be comfortable in your own skin, and the special perspective of how a relationship with God can be strengthened through trials. In the climax of the story, Jeremy starts to pray to help find his way. 


There are multiple plots in this story, which may be hard for some readers to follow along with, but the subplots lead to the adrenaline-pumping and fast-paced novel that it is.


The reader is left asking questions. Will Jeremy get into more trouble with his team? Will Coach Stennard get out of jail?  Will Jeremy ever find a real friend?     


In conclusion, I would recommend this young adult novel, Rat for ages 11+ or anyone who can process imperfect behavior, violence, and bullying.


Brooke loves books and basketball!

Read Brooke's last review of Hidden Truths on my blog here



Theresa Milstein said...

Great review! I read this book a few years ago, and I agree.

Katerinas Blog said...

It is very interesting and an amazing topic! Thanks! Have a good Sunday!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks fo your comments Theresa and Katerina. I had read it before and forgotten the full plot of the book. Unfortunately, it's more timely than ever.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm glad you found this book to be such a page-turner. I hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for the great review.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Natalie. Everyone's comments mean a lot to my tween and teen reviewers!

Chris_Shestak_Author said...

The book sounded fascinating - but it's not available in my library because it was printed so long ago

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Chris, for your comment. I wonder if you could get it on inter-library loan. It's worth finding!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Chris, for your comment. I wonder if you could get it on inter-library loan. It's worth finding!

Greg Pattridge said...

RAT would not be appropriate in an elementary school library, but those in middle school would certainly invest time in reading such an intense plot. Great job reviewing this title, Brooke. Keep up the great work!

Carol Baldwin said...

I agree, Greg. Thanks for encouraging Brooke. SHe's an up and coming writer herself!

Brooke White said...

Hello Theresa,

I’m glad you got to read this book, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Katerina,

I’m happy to know you found this book as intriguing as I did.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hi Natalie,

I highly recommend this book to you! You seem to be an avid reader, I believe you would enjoy it.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Good evening Chris,

Yes, you’re right, it is a fascinating read, in my opinion. I agree with Mrs. Baldwin! It would be a great idea to go to a library or borrow this book from a friend!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Dear Mr. Pattridge,

Yes, I do agree that this book wouldn’t be appropriate for elementary students, but more suitable for middle schoolers and up. Thank you, I will try to always put my best effort into what I’m writing. Thanks again for the encouraging memo!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Rosi said...

This sounds like a pretty intense story. Thanks for such a thoughtful review, Brooke. Nice job!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Brooke, for answering all of your comments!

Valinora Troy said...

Great review, Brooke - you give us a good feel for the story, which is really important in a review. I look forward to your next review! :)

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Valinora! Brooke is an up and coming book reviewer. I bet she'll want to read one of yours too!

Sue Heavenrich said...

Sounds like you really liked the book! I appreciate your brief synopsis of the story - it does sound like a good read for older middle grade readers.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you for stopping by Sue. I liked this book too!

ET Charles said...

Rat sounds intense. This is a comprehensive review. Thanks for the post.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you for commenting, E.T. It is intense!

Brooke White said...

Hello E.T (cool name by the way),

Yes, you’re right it is an intense read! Thank you for noticing my hard work on this review.

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Rosi,

Yes, this story is very intense, and at times, chaotic. Thank you for the comment!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hi Valinora,

Thank you! I feel like it’s good to add a summary of the story so readers know what it’s about, not just what I think about it!

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

Brooke White said...

Hello Sue,

This book is one of my favorite young-adult novels. Thank you, I try to add a synopsis so readers aren’t confused about the story. It is a good book for older middle-grade readers! Not Younger. (In my opinion)

Yours Truly,
Brooke White

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