Monday, August 6, 2018

Coming Up on Write 2 Ignite!

Congratulations to Deb Allmand who won the Audio book of Between the Lines on last week's blog.

I'm excited about several upcoming teaching opportunities. In September I'll be presenting three workshops at the Write2Ignite ConferenceGeared towards Christian writers who want to write for the children's and young adult market, as well as to teen writers, Write2Ignite is a day and a half of learning, networking and encouragement. 

I hope these teasers will inspire you--or a writer you know--to register for the conference.

Strangers in a Strange Land

In Exodus 2:22. Moses named his son Gershom because he was a stranger in a strange land. As Christians, in some ways, we are also "strangers" in the secular publishing world. 

How do we honor Christ as writers in a largely non-Christian domain? What is our calling as Christian writers? What is our privilege?  How do we fit in--or don't fit in--to the secular publishing world? There are no easy answers. But in this interactive workshop we’ll examine ourselves, what this "strange" land is, the ways we can integrate our faith into our writing, and our presence in the secular world.

Fiction Writing (Teen Track)

I love teaching teens--they have out-of-this-world ideas for their characters and plots. True, sometimes their lack of inhibition has to be tempered by plausibility--but their enthusiasm is contagious and inspirational! 

For my part, I'll teach them to,
  • Exercise their muscle words (all groans aside, this does involve actual EXERCISE!).
  • How and why writers need to use mentor texts.
  • How the red pencil is their best friend.
  • How to jazz up their writing through "Show, Don’t Tell."
  • How details make the difference when crafting genre fiction.

Writing Historical Fiction

I love historical fiction almost as much as I love teaching teens! 😁

This hands-on workshop will include: 

  • RResearch. Should you read newspapers? Magazines? Books? Fiction or nonfiction? Microfilm? How do you know when your research is done? 
  • EExperts. How to find experts for your story? What do you ask? How do you use your expert's story to inform yours?
  • AArrange. Create a system to keep track of notes, interviews, and photos. 
  • DDetails and Drafts. What details do you need to create an authentic story? How do you move from rough drafts to honing on your story?

If you plan to attend this workshop, please bring your favorite historical novel. If you're working on a project, bring one or two pages of your work.


Please share this post with a writer or teen who might be interested in attending the conference. And stay tuned. In a few weeks I'll share my other teaching opportunity coming up in October!


Rosi said...

It sounds like a great assignment for you, Carol. Enjoy!

Grace Marie said...

I'm sending this to my mom, I doubt I'll be able to go, but it's worth a try anyway. :)

Clara Gillow Clark said...

What an inspiration you are, Carol! How do you juggle so many different activities and events?

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks friends, for your comments. Gray Marie-I'd love to meet you and your mom! Clara, I carefully portion out my time--just like you do!

Debbie Allmand said...

Thanks so much for the audio book. Can't wait to hear it.

Kathleen said...

Carol, these sessions sound great! You will be such a great resource for the lucky attendees.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Kathleen!

I've Moved!

  I look forward to reading your comments on my new  website,  Carolbaldwinbooks .  Please follow me there for book reviews and   Half-Truth...