For days my fellow author, Joyce Hostetter, has been tweaking our newsletter, Talking Story. Writing the articles was the easy part. Putting it all together was another story. Although I moaned and groaned about the hours I spent editing and uploading addresses, to be honest, Joyce conceived the project and is responsible for how professional it looks. If you didn't receive a copy in your in-box today, click here, and you'll go right to it.
It feels good to have published this issue. As icing on the cake, I was delighted that my former editor at Maupin House, Emily Raij, chose to blog about us today.
My husband and I are in Crossville, Tn. for a few days of R & R. For him, that means golf and tennis. For me, it means 3 R's-Reading (Joyce's "Work in Progress" about a WWII conscientous objector); 'riting (time to get back to my historical novel. Hmmm...last I worked on it was in July. Where in the world was I?); and Recreating (have bikes, will travel.)
Sounds like a winning combination to me!
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Joyce Hostetter, Maupin House, Talking Story, writing newsletters, Crossville, Tn
1 comment:
I received mine (last night, I think or maybe it was in the wee hours of the morning since I'm always online until about 2 or so) and I must say it looks awesome. Great job to you and Joyce for this wonderful project and the articles were very interesting. Hoping lots of folks will join up and read the newsletter.
Enjoy your R&R time. Reading and 'Riting are about all someone can ask for. (Yep, getting to work on State of Altitude this weekend, work on the study guide for State of Reservations, and try to come up with the rest of the clues for #5, so that's all my writing time this weekend. Reading includes Joyce and Jim Lavene's newest release - Ghastly Glass and if I finish that, start on "Keeping the House" by Ellen Baker.)
See you all in the postings - E :)
PS - got my copy of Teaching the Story yesterday and will treasure it for years to come; enjoyed the inscription too. I will drop the money in the mail Tuesday. Talk soon - E :)
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