Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bragging On My Buddies

In our last issue of Talking Story for this academic year, Joyce Hostetter and I offer some fun family and classroom activities, four cool giveaways, and several book reviews.  If you haven’t already subscribed, you can still do so by clicking here.

In addition, we announce two book developments. Joyce’s book Blue has just been released in paperback which is a huge step for an author. “Blue in paperback is more affordable for the reader who doesn’t have deep pockets.” Joyce explained. “And paperback also travels better on vacations!  Also, certain reading lists or programs like ‘Battle of the Books’ favor titles that are available in paper.” You can find a brief review of Blue on my blog here, or more lengthy reviews here

Secondly, Clay Carmichael, whose book Wild Things I reviewed this spring, is excited that her book was just released in audio format. "I'm thrilled and grateful to see that Wild Things continues to enjoy such success and to see the audio format expand readership.” Clay wrote in an e-mail. “Last week the book was named a 2010 Bank Street College Best Children's Book and nominated for the 2010-11 North Carolina Children's Book Award--nominated by NC, which please me no end."

I’m proud of both of these North Carolina authors. Both books are great reads for upper elementary school students and if you’re looking for good summer reading for your students or children, I heartily recommend both.

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CL said...

Hi-- So happy to hear Blue will be in paperback. Was this one of the give-aways? I'd love to win a copy of Blue or an audio book of Wild Things, but I'm not sure how to enter this contest.

Carol Baldwin said...

Joyce has a contest going on her blog at: or send her an email at to win a paperback of Blue. To enter the AUdio book contest for WIld Things, go to: and click on the May issue. you can view it and/or subscribe after you open up the newsletter. Let me know if you have any problems, OK? Thanks for visiting my blog!

JoyceHostetter said...

Thanks, Carol for bragging!

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