Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ivy in the Shadows and a Giveaway!

I'm interrupting my mini-series on Dear Senator since I just finished reading Ivy in the Shadows by Chris Woodworth and have another copy to give away. 

Upper elementary and middle school girl readers will enjoy this true-to-life story of a 12-year-old girl.  Ivy is learning how to deal with her mother's failed marriages, assuming more responsibility for her younger brother J.J, navigating the waters of changed school friendships, and figuring out Caleb, the boarder her mother takes in to help make ends meet. 

Like many children in families, Ivy learns about life by eavesdropping. She listens to her mother's discussions with her best friend, "Aunt" Maureen and finds out about their love lives and about her step-father. But eavesdropping only works some of the time. When she incorrectly pieces together the information she hears Caleb telling J.J., her faulty conclusions lead her down the wrong path. 

I appreciate how Chris Woodworth portrays a young girl trying to figure out who is telling the truth, who to trust, and how appearances aren't always what they seem to be. There are strong messages on the importance of honesty, facing the consequences of false assumptions, admitting when one is wrong, and the characteristics of a true friend. 

I also loved Ivy's voice, which you get to hear right from the opening paragraph:

Some say you get your best education in school. Others say it's through life. I got my best education early on eavesdropping at Mama's feet while she talked to my aunt on the telephone. (p. 1)

Thanks to Joy Peskin, Chris's editor, of Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, I am giving away an autographed copy of Ivy in the Shadows. So, for those of you who didn't win a copy back in February when I posted the backstory about this book, here's another chance!

Here are the giveaway rules:

  • Post this blog on your social media site of choice OR become a new follower of this blog. 
  • Either way, leave a comment with your email address (if you are new to my blog) with what you did.
  • I will draw a winner's name on Monday morning, June 3. 

Thanks for entering!


Linda Phillips said...

Great timing, Carol. I'm about halfway through a library copy but would love my very own signed copy. Chris, I'm really enjoying this perky character, Ivy!

Carol Baldwin said...

YOu set the record, Linda, for entering one of my giveaways!!

Rosi said...

This is such a sweet book. I won a copy not long ago and loved every word of it. Some lucky winner will sure enjoy winning this one!

Augusta Scattergood said...

OK. I need this book. My daughter's name is Ivy. Plus, I love that quote. Yes, great voice.

Bianca's Books said...

Hey Carol! Long time no see! I have kind of dropped my blog for a bit, but didn't stop reading! I posted on facebook, by the way. It takes me a while to find a book that I can really get into, and connect and relate to. I am looking for a book to read during my camps, and I hope that this could be the one! I would really appreciate it, and I am looking forward to reading it. Whether it is this copy, or another copy! You have my email address, right? If not, its Thanks so much Carol!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks Augusta and Bianca. Your names are in the proverbial "hat!"

Linda A. said...

What a nice overview. Good luck to all who enter. Do not place my name in the pot--just passing through.

Martina Boone said...

Ooooh, I do love that opening paragraph. I'm going to go swipe that quote for my Great Openings page!

Thanks for adding to my tower-of-doom-sized TBR list!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Martina!

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