Monday, March 2, 2015

Writing Tips #2: Nuggets of Wisdom From Writers to Writers

Continuing the discussion from last week, here are more tips generously shared by my writing friends.
General Advice Part II

"Write. If you are going to be a writer, you must write. Many people talk about writing, read books about writing, but do not write. Finish a story. Revise it for a particular market or for your own pleasure. Write daily because it is practice.

"Buy yourself a notebook, preferably one that you can take with you on walks or tuck into your medium sized purse, something that is not a burden but a pleasure. This way, you always have a chance to sit down and collect your thoughts no matter where you are. I find that writing for just 15-20 min a day keeps my writing muscles limber. Vijaya Bodach, author of the upcoming picture book, Ten Easter Eggs.

“Trust your process and never compare yourself to another writer, no good will ever come from that.” Holly Hughes

"Consider that thinking time is writing time, and it may even be more valuable in the end.  Mine those moments in the shower where you talk to your character, or the discussion you and your protagonist have while cleaning the toilet.  It might be handy to take along a small recorder in the car, to capture these thought-conversations.   Take your protagonist (or antagonist for that matter) along to the grocery store and let them choose a few items.  Watch how your characters deal with the gym, or church, the doctor’s office or a walk in the neighborhood.  Now you are ready to write!"  Linda Phillips, author of Crazy

"Learn all you can about the submitting, publishing process and then persist, persist, persist! Believe in your story and never give up because if you do, you'll never know how close you came. 

"Be brave enough to write what makes you feel most strongly. Whether that feeling results in laughter, tears, fear or heartbreak. Because if you don’t feel it while you’re writing, chances are the readers won’t feel it either."  Sandra Warren, author of Arlie the Alligator and other books for children and adults.

"Believe in yourself. Submit your manuscripts. Believe that you will receive a contract . Celebrate you. Never Give Up." Joan Edwards, author of the upcoming book, Elder Care Guide.

"Check out resources highly recommended by the writing community: blogs, workshops, book reviews, tips on listservs, etc. Actively participate. Join in discussions, leave comments, enter contests. Priceless opportunities." Linda Andersen. See her Writer's Playground for March post here.
Remember, if you leave me a comment with a writing tip that I use, I'll enter your name for a chance to win:
Come back next week for some tips on story making. 


Linda A. said...

Thanks for including my tip, Carol. Some good ones here!

Vijaya said...

Fun to see my tip here :) After all the cold, it's finally balmy outside today <3

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks Linda and Vijaya- there's a wealth of wisdom out there and fun to share it!

Linda Phillips said...

Thanks for including my thoughts, Carol. I'm honored to be among this group of fine writers!

Unknown said...

Thanks for in cluding me with these talented people!

Sandra Warren said...

Add me to the list of those honored to have my thoughts shared on your blog!

You are a wonderful mentor to so many writers.

I do have one more thought: There comes a time to put down the writing books, the notes from conferences and classes, the "he said she said" telling you what to do or not to do and JUST WRITE THE STORY THAT'S IN YOUR HEART!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks to both of you Holly & Sandra for volunteering your tidbits! Sandra- you just made my day. I was just feeling doubtful about my book (all the what if's coming to plague me!) But you're right, I just have to write what's in my heart! I think this is a great one to pass along too!

Rosi said...

I LOVE Linda Phillips tips. Great stuff. All of them are useful, but hers really struck a chord with me. Thanks for doing this, Carol.

Carol Baldwin said...

You're welcome, Rosi. glad you found this enjoyable & helpful. Passed your comment along to LInda!

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Carol,
Thank you for including my advice in your blog. What an honor!


Kim Van Sickler said...

I spend time lying in bed late at night just before nodding off or first thing in the morning before I'm really awake, mulling over my characters and their motivations and my story line. I love it!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Kim, I do that too! I'll use your tip in an upcoming blog.

Anonymous said...

Carol, Such great tips and advice! Love the Persist, Persist, Persist :)

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Kathleen. It's a reminder we all need, right?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Sometimes daily for me :)

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