Tuesday, July 5, 2022

FOOTPRINTS ACROSS THE PLANET: A Nonfiction Picture Book Review and Giveaway

 What do you think of when you hear the word, "footprint"? If your name is Jennifer Swanson, then it means many things. This simple yet eloquent text is accompanied by amazing photographs which convey that definition onto every page. 

Take a peek at Footprints Across the Planet  (Reycraft Books, August 2022) and discover some amazing footprints.


The book opens with two pictures: the bottom of an elephant's foot and a scrawny two-toed bird. The text reads simply, "Footprints come in all shapes and sizes, colors and species."

Then there are two pages of contrasts:

Footprints can appear very different--and some are hardly noticeable at all.

FOOTPRINTS then transitions from animals to humans.

More contrasts emerge. What does a footprint on a snow-covered mountain look like? How about a "footprint" under the sea? What footprints last? Which are gone as soon as they are made?

What type of footprints show us our past? What might show us our future?

Some footprints represent people who have worked for change in our society. Other people follow in their footprints. 

For better or for worse, digital footprints are now a part of our past, present, and future.

Footprints "remind us that our way of living impacts everything around us."

And footprints are "traces of ourselves." 

This picture book reads like a poem. No wonder! In a Facebook conversation, Jen said, "I had this title for awhile. There were different manuscripts with it. But when the March for Science, the Women’s March, and the Black Lives Matter marches took place, this manuscript was born. It actually wrote itself in my head one when while I was on a bike ride. I had to keep stopping and texting the lines to myself."

Her comment about the marches made me think about the book's layers. She agreed. "There are many layers. All the animals I used are endangered. There are many questions which hopefully evoke curiosity and the need to learn more."


This STEM book can be used in many w
ays. Here are some questions educators can tailor to their K-3rd grade classrooms.

  • What is a footprint? List some of the ways that concept is shown in this book.
  • Teachers/home educators could discuss what a student's footprint is. How do their ideas compare with the author's intent about the word's meaning.
  • "Compare" and "contrast" different footprints.
  • Students could try writing a poem about footprints. 
  • What is a digital footprint? 

FOOTPRINTS ACROSS THE PLANET is released in August. Authors appreciate it when readers preorder their books. You can find a variety of vendors on Jennifer's website.


To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment by July 9 with your name and email address if you are new to my blog. Mention that you are an educator or librarian and I'll put your name in twice. U.S. addresses only. If you prefer, send me an email and I'll enter your name that way. NOTE: If you don't see your comment immediately, don't worry. I need to screen all comments and then publish them. 


Carmela Simmons said...

This Jenn Swanson book looks stunning. I can’t wait to read it in August.

Tay said...

I love this books concept. Children will learn about animals and the planet--a double win! Whether I win a copy or purchase one, I'll do what I always do with picture books-- enjoy it, analyze it, and then gift it to a school or library. Books are meant to be cherished and shared.

Tay Berryhill

Carol Baldwin said...

thanks for your comment, Tay, and your commitment to share this beautiful book with a a school or library.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Carmella!

Natasha said...

This will be really fun for our tracking unit in the fall!

Beth Anderson said...

gorgeous and fascinating!

animalauthor said...

All of Jenn's books are amazing, and this one looks like another winner--an intriguing concept and sharp photos. I can't wait to read it and then share with my library!
Nancy Furstinger

Carol Baldwin said...

Thank you, Nancy!

Carol Baldwin said...

The book is both, Beth!

Cathy Stefanec Ogren said...

What a great book! Kids will love this!

Danielle H. said...

This book idea is unique to me--I've never seen one on this topic. Of course, I'm a "sucker" for tiny baby feet. Thank you for featuring this gorgeous book.

Elizabeth V. said...

Oh wow! This is a book I know I am going to wish I wrote! :) But so glad Jen's brilliance and insight did it instead! Cannot wait for this book to be released!


Carol Baldwin said...

You're welcome, Danielle. You would definitely enjoy this book!

Carol Baldwin said...

Sigh. I know what you mean, Beth!

Elizabeth V. said...

Cannot wait for this book! Jen's brilliance and insights are always top-notch!


Carol Baldwin said...

I agree, Cathy!

Jilanne Hoffmann said...

Just WOW! This sounds, and looks, like an amazing book! I love how the words came in a rush. It's such an unusual gift!

Marci said...

Wow, the language and photos that you shared are beautiful! This book looks fantastic. Congrats, Jenn!!

Marci said...

Wow, the language and photos that you shared are beautiful! This book looks fantastic. Congrats, Jennifer!

Carol Baldwin said...

I agree, Jilanne!

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Marci. It is a special book.

Barbara Younger said...

What a wonderful topic! I would love to win a copy.

Carol Baldwin said...

You're in, Barbara!

Jen J said...

Super interested in this book and would love to use it with my PreK-1 kiddos!! Jennifer.johnson@lakewoodcityschools.org

Carol said...

This sure looks to be one beautiful and above all, important book. Great topic, and as with many of their books, Reycraft has hit it out the ballpark with their photo-based illustration. Kids and parents will love this, and I can't wait to read it.

Carol Baldwin said...

YEs, it is is, Carol! Thanks for commenting.

Carol Baldwin said...

Thanks, Jen.I think it would be perfect for your classroom! You're in twice.

Janet Frenck Sheets said...

What an unusual topic! Congratulations, Jennifer. (I recently won a book, so no need to enter me in the giveaway this time.)

Carol Baldwin said...

thanks, Janet. for leaving a comment and suggesting someone else win this time.

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