Last night I was moseying around on the internet and checked out my friend Joyce Hostetter's blog to see her latest post. She is my co-author for the newsletter Talking Story, and I was delighted to find a terrific summary of our latest issue. I hope you'll take a minute to visit her blog and then decide to subscribe to our newsletter. Our goal is to provide information about books as well as writing resources for teachers, media specialists, homeschool parents, and writers. Let us know how we're doing!
Carol, I'm a nurse and teach nurse aides. Is this the first book you have pusblished? I've written quite a bit for nursing journals but have been slacking the past couple of years. I would like to say my excuse is my thesis but fact is I just haven't done it. I had a monthly column in Nurse Week and when they cancelled the column I took it as a cue to not write for awhile. I live in Utah but grew up in Durham!
My first book was on lay counseling in the church, I am working on my first novel- for middle grade kids, historical. (you'll see references to it in my blog, if you skim back through it or search under historical fiction.) Enjoy chatting with you. Hope you pass my blog and/or the newsletter along to teachers and media specialists out in Utah! thanks, Carol
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